the right ball for me

Follow Thread

By will s

  • 1 Reply
  1. will s

    will s
    tumby bay, SA

    I know you have the ball fitting app on the website but it isn't much use for me because I don't play on greens. I play on scrapes which are like gravel but a bit smaller. I do not need the spin to stop the ball on the scrape because you have to run the ball onto the scrape. I need some advice on which balls will have the littlest spin for long and short game.
  2. Team Titleist Staff

    Hi Will,

    Thanks for your q and I do know exactly what you are talking about having played a few "Sand Scrapes" tournaments in my younger years.

    The abrasive sand surfaces do take their toll on the golf ball cover and yes you are correct in wanting to find a ball with a durable surlyn cover and the least amount of spin whilst still delivering great distance.  The Titleist Velocity golf ball will give you that. 

    Check out when you get a chance and let us know how you get on.

    Good golfing

    Team Titleist ANZ

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