Alas, the season here in Ontario is surely coming to an end.
Temperatures dropped well below the freezing point last night, and are not forecast to rise much above freezing throughout Sunday. Fortunately it appears that there will be a respite early next week giving us a chance to get out and sneak in a few more rounds as the season winds up.
Question for my fellow TT members...
When you are playing in the cold weather in the twilight of the season how do you keep your golf balls from getting too cool?
Personally, I like to keep two extra golf balls in my pocket tucked inside my layers of clothing and change every other hole so that I am not playing with a super hard ball. I have a fear of damaging my driver hitting something too solid against the cold metal face so keeping the ball warm gives me a sense of safety whether right or wrong. My experience from work is that metal does become more susceptible to damage when it gets really cold so I am trying to be nice to my D2.
I have had a driver crack on me many years ago, (not a Titleist product) and I don't want my D2 to suffer a similar fate :)