I am getting 716 AP2s (5-PW or 5-GW) with DG ATM R300 shafts +1. If I Hard Step them:
1. Will my overall length be +1 or will the overall length be shorter due to the +1 & Hard Step?
2. Should I Hard Step 5-7, 5-8, 5-9 or all of them?
I'm also looking at completing my set with (all clubs +1, only AP2s will be Hard Stepped): 915D2 (10.5), 915F (16.5), 816H1 (19) & 816H1 (25). I use my 56 all over from 75 yards in. Full, 3/4 or 1/2 swings, pitches, chips and flops. Now comes the question:
1. Should I just get a new SM6 56 and the AP2 5-GW
2. Should I get a SM6 50 and SM6 56 and get the AP2 5-PW?
The GW and SM6 50.8 have about the same bounce but will my distance be different? I assume it will but how much? Half a club? Less? More?
Thanks in advance for your replies.