PX 6.0 vs PX LZ 6.5

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By Phil D

  • 2 Replies
  1. Just got back from a TSR fitting. (Love it!) Anyway I currently play the t200 in PX 6.0. I was randomly hitting the t100S and fell in love. They had the LZ shaft in them and I said to the fitter, as he typed in my driver order, that I had never hit the LZ before but liked the feel of it. He answered with “ya but you’d be in the X-flex”. My question is I want those t100S now, I’d love to just order them and go with the PX LZ 6.5 shaft. With that being said would it be safe to say I can just do this? Or should I go get fitted again considering my current t200 set has the PX 6.0 shafts in them. My driver SS was 112-113. Thanks.

  2. Keith M

    Keith M
    Acworth, GA

    I would go get fit again. I was fit into the PX 6.5s a few years ago for my 718 AP1s, then into LZ 6.0s for my T200s. Better to have confirmation from the impartial Trackman in my opinion rather than spend 1500 that you might end up regretting.
  3. Thank you. I ended up going back. Turns out the PX 6.0 were the correct shafts for the t100s as well. Ordered them a couple weeks ago. Just waiting for them to not be on back order now!

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