Hello everyone! I am very very new at the game of golf. I’m a fitness trainer, physical therapist, and also perform movement retraining and have a lot of experience actually training golfers using surface EMG and fine wire and other forms of artificial intelligence in order to hone in to better their movements to better their game. Now that I’m retired sort of, I just started playing golf. Also, I am finding out that I’m pretty good. I attribute this ability that due to my past fitness and hobbies and also the years spent using the surface EMG and helping others better their game. So, my question is this I recently purchased a One driver blade. I am having more fun playing with this driver Blade! I’m not hitting it fast as my point is accuracy and learning how to use a club effectively. I’m currently using cally Reva’s and I want to be able to , hit the ball a little faster without throwing off my form. I’m doing this very slowly. Any suggestions? Also, need suggestions on irons… thank you!