T150 with 2 degree weak

Follow Thread

By ETolentino

  • 4 Replies
  1. I was fitted for T150 iron last year by Titleist and they ordered me 6-GW that is 2 degree weak. I know the PW is 44 and the GW is 48 because it is engraved on the club. I do not know the degrees of the 6-9 irons. My Order Number: SFH-121197 and my Fitting Number: F-386000 if this helps.

  2. Brock L

    Brock L
    Fort Myers, FL

    If they were ordered 2 degrees weak, then your GW is 50, PW is 46, and the other irons will be 2 degrees weaker than the standard lofts.
  3. Don O

    Don O
    Madison, WI

    The standard lofts are available on this site if you go down through the marketing to a specifications
    You’d have to call Titleist for the actual lofts. This site is not monitored as a customer support avenue. The responders on this site are just a bunch of crazies with a preference for buying Titleist equipment. You have the order number, Titleist can pull that up.
  4. Dino S

    Dino S

    Call me crazy but i think the T-150 is 2 degrees stronger than the T - 100 so if you have degree weak T - 150's you essentially have T - 100 iron lofts.
  5. Lou G

    Lou G
    San Diego, CA

    I remember T150 8 iron loft is 36*. T100, 716CB are 38*. In contrast, 695MB is 40* T200 9 iron is 38.5. T100S would also be 36*.

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