White Box Prov1

Follow Thread

By jose p

  • 29 Replies
  1. jose p

    jose p
    san diego, CA


    I recently played the Prov1Whitebox in a competitive round and had a wonderful experience. The ball surprisingly stopped without releasing towards my target when hitting the green. I had to adjust and hit it closer to my target. I was able to the draw and fade the ball nicely around the dog leg holes. I really enjoyed my round of golf. Thank you Titleist.

  2. JMooney

    Madison, MS 39110

    Look forward to testing the ProV1 prototype. Long time Titleist golfer. Started playing competitive golf in the 1960's. Started back playing this summer. Look forward to playing competitive golf.
  3. So I use the 2023 prov1 and am thinking of switching to prov1x but I like the feel of prov1 off outer does anyone see a difference?
  4. So I use the 2023 prov1 and am thinking of switching to prov1x but I like the feel of prov1 off outer does anyone see a difference?
  5. Dale V

    Dale V
    Surprise AZ

    You will have to give them a try and see what you personally think. To me, the new ball is noticeably different and feels much more like the old ProV1 but still gives me the spin benefits of the ProV1x. I'm very excited to play the new ProV1x and now have to figure out what to do with a couple of dozen older model balls.
  6. Fav. O

    Fav. O

    I could use those if you're not going to use them!
  7. Chris E

    Chris E
    West Linn, OR

    I play the ProV1* but am looking to switch to the ProV1 for wetter conditions.. X spins almost too much in soft conditions and I think the ProV1 does actually feel a little better (softer) if feel is important.
  8. Sleighzer

    Ottawa, Ontario

    I just received my white box of Pro V1x golf balls and hope to try them out this Sunday as the cooler weather has already arrived in Ottawa, Canada. Can't wait to see if there is much of a difference from the Pro V1X I am currently using. Thanks Titleist!
  9. Pete

    Markham, ON

    Came home from work today to my surprise found a package on the front of my door that wasn’t Amazon related(wife and daughter) lol had a little weight to it sort of a rattling sound to my surprise. I cracked it open and it was 12 title list Easter eggs not quite a prototype of golf balls couldn’t come out a better time as I’m playing around this weekend, can’t wait to try them out and will definitely be back on the missing board with some feedback by the way they feel softer than last year can’t wait thanks again team Titleist great to be apart of a wonderful company and their products
  10. Pete

    Markham, ON

    Sweet gift
    Post Image
  11. Connor D

    Connor D

    What did you think? Looking for a review and if you have any insight in to previous versions of v1 versus what you got in the mail. Thanks!
  12. What a day maker, you white box guys are lucky!!! Happy golfing!
  13. JJKing

    Augusta, GA

    Awesome! I hope to get my hands on the new Pro V1X aoon!!
  14. JT


    What a great surprise! One of the benefits of being a part of Team Titleist.
  15. Bob D

    Bob D
    Thunder Bay Ontario, ON

    I just received my White Box PROV1X! Very Excited but our course is closed for winter preparations so they will have to wait until spring to be hit. Thanks again Team Titleist you again are the BEST!
  16. Tony I

    Tony I
    St. John, IN

    How do I get some of these beautiful TT gifts??
  17. Great news. Cannot wait to get the 2025s. I have tried a lot of different golf balls the last 2 summers and the Titleist golf balls are the winner. Most consistent performance out of all the brands I tried
  18. Pretty excited to try them out. Long time fan of the prov1, glad to see some improvement on the alignment too.
  19. Robert C

    Robert C

    I just received a box of white Pro V1x balls. Thank you Titleist. I look forward to trying them before I order next year’s supply.
  20. Jim M

    Jim M
    Mississauga, ON

    My box came in the other day and I was able to play a couple holes before dark set in. I'm not sure If I could feel the difference as it is pretty cold where I am now but hoping to try again this weekend. Thank you Titleist!
  21. I received my white box of Pro V1’s in mail today and will put them into play on my trip to Arizona next week. What a great surprise to come home to, Thank You so much Titleist!!
    Will report back my findings upon my return.
  22. Can't wait to give them a try myself!
  23. Received my white box Pro V1’s in the mail this week and excited to put them into play next week in Arizona. I’ll report back my findings on the new ball upon my return.
    Thank You Titleist that was a nice surprise to come home to!!
  24. Just received the famous white box for the first time myself. Thankfully we're still gofling out here on the west coast. Looking forward to trying out the new ProV1s this weekend, and next week at Bandon. Thanks, Titleist, what a great surprise.
  25. I play the left dash in an effort to drop driver spin, and for my iron swing, I get great stopping power.
    only place I would like some better "feel" is around the greens chipping.
    Really looking forward to trying the '25 version!

    Side note, I went eBay shopping Friday night after some pints, and purchased a box of left dot prov1, but our mail strike may derail getting them here in time for my upcoming trip. If that's the case, I will have to stare at them on the shelf until April :-(
  26. I was hoping to get to try out the new ProV1....
  27. Dale V

    Dale V
    Surprise AZ

    Good news is that stores and the Titleist website should have them available to everyone sometime in January.
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