Shorting my driver shaft.

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By Trevor F

  • 10 Replies
  1. I am shortening my driver shaft to 44.5” I have had the standard GT 2. What will I need to do with my clubhead weight?

  2. Ben H

    Ben H
    Elks CC Portsmouth OH

    I want to say every half inch = a swing weight (+2g). So you’ll want to add +4g if your shaft played at the Titleist standard 45.5” before to achieve the same swing weight.
  3. I believe that to be correct. I play my TSI3 at 45” I have a +4 weight in back which gives me a d-4 swing weight
  4. Lou G

    Lou G
    San Diego, CA

    Trevor F said:

    I am shortening my driver shaft to 44.5” I have had the standard GT 2. What will I need to do with my clubhead weight?

    Go to a +6 headweight. Shortening a shaft by 1/2" is a loss of 3 swingweight points. Assuming you are using a standard Lamkin rubber grip. I have a TS2 driver with Tensei 55R and 44.5" length. I use an Excel RF oversize grip and a +2 headweight gives it the correct feel with a swingweight of D1.5. I have a 915D2 with 44" and Diamana S60+ with 11g headweight and it comes in at D1.
  5. EddietheKarp


    Hi Trevor! In order to get authentic Titleist weights, your best bet would be to go through an authorized fitter in your area. The general info is in the link below.
  6. larry m

    larry m
    columbiana, OH

    You will need at least a 12 weight. I put a 14 in mine at 44 1/4 length
  7. Nothing at all. Play it.
  8. Richard P

    Richard P
    Lorraine, QC

    Previous members have the right answer.
    Every 1/2 inch represent an estimation of 3 swing weights points.
    Every swing weight need 2 gr.
    So, 1 inch= 6 swing weights, and 6 swing weights = 12 grams additional.

    But if you change the grip that do not have the same weights you must adjust consequently.
    That is why I bought a long time ago a Malby swing weight machine.
  9. Brock L

    Brock L
    Fort Myers, FL

    Shortening by 1/2" will result in approximately a 2 point swing weight change. So you will will certainly need to add weight (around 6-10 grams most likely) to get back to same swing weight. That will depend starting headweight, shaft and grip though. Best to start with lead tape so you can get it to weight you prefer and then order correct weight from Titleist or wherever.
  10. 44.5 is a great playing length
  11. I had Titleist shorten my GT2 driver to 44 1/2 playing length. They added a 15 gram weight. Swing weight is now D3.

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