
Follow Thread

By Richard R

  • 3 Replies
  1. I am currently gaming the Cobra Radspeed XD driver. I have the length at 42.5 to 43 inch shaft due to my horrible slice. I have heard all of the brands and the talk of forgiveness but for 5 or 6 hundred dollars it's hard to switch without knowing for sure it would help. I know the club can't cure the slice but to mitigate it would help a lot. Any suggestions?

  2. Don O

    Don O
    Madison, WI

    Wow, if you are of average height or taller, that’s an extreme solution for a driver that short. That has to be losing some distance just based on the physics.

    I’d recommend working with a professional at a pro shop/on course and not just a fitter at a store. Options include fixing a basic swing flaw, trying a mini driver (i.e. GT-280) that uses a swing closer to your other clubs, or a driver with a strong draw design. A little bit of heresy here, but there is a well established company in AZ that does have a driver reported to reduce a slice by 20-25 yards.

    My own efforts involved changing my swing. I can still slice if I get loose with my arms or not turn through the swing especially when tiring. But I can get fit for clubs not focused on trying to overcome the archer.

  3. I would suggest getting lessons from a certified pga pro to identify the causes of your slice. As far as the driver goes, the GT2 and TSR2 are both very forgiving. Additionally, I would recommend getting a loft option lower than you need because adding loft via the Titleist adapter also closes the face which should help with the slice.
  4. J22abe


    You have a really good driver. Instead of spending $600 on a new one. Use that money towards lessons.

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