
Follow Thread

By Rhys J

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  • 3 Replies
  1. Any thoughts please? High handicap player and was fit into T350s stiff shafts back in the summer. The fitter only offered game improvement irons. But since struggling to make consistent good contact especially off mats and at range. I have played a few rounds when traveling with a mixed set of 710 AP2 / 710 MB stiff shafts and I seem to make better more consistent contact. Any thoughts on why I would struggle more with the T350’s than with the 710 AP2 and even the 710 MBs which I understood to be for far better players?

  2. Brandon P

    Brandon P
    North Carolina

    I can see with you being a high handicap them fitting you with a game improvement iron but you need something you feel confident with. Have you tried the 200’s?
  3. Dale V

    Dale V
    Surprise AZ

    Most likely the weight. Your T350’s are probably lighter and you are loosing feel of the clubhead in the downswing. Try adding some lead tape and see if that helps. If it does, either keep the lead tape on or go to a golf shop and have more weight added to the heads. Good luck! BTW, I love my set of T350’s.
  4. Tim D

    Tim D
    kokomo, IN

    I have owned and played all three models of the 300 series irons. I have been very pleased with the performance of all three models. Currently gaming the T350 irons and am really enjoying them. Looking forward to the next iron release later this year

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