TT Hat & Players Glove - Road Trip

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By RJUnleashed

  • 2 Replies
  1.  RJUnleashed

    Rhode Island

    This is my 3rd Titleist hat. I thought, before the TT hats are gone let me get one. One step closer to total Titleist. Then I broke down and got the players glove. I have been using the, Um, other brand 2 pack. LOL Shame! Shame! Shame! I feel like Cersei, walking through King's Landing! Long ago, the I wore T gloves. But they broke down quickly. I'am hoping performance and longer wear will prevail.

    I have a long way to go, but slowly I am covering all my gear with the Titleist logo!

    Last year was a big year, TSR1 driver, 3 wood and hybrid. 4 doz yellow ProV1 and a players tech hat which I love!

    This year I am shooting for replacing my 5 and or 7 wood. But my eye is square on the Hybrid 14 bag as well. I push the cart and ride now. So, I thought I could start to be a true traditionalist golfer and carry once in a while, in cold-cool weather. What would be better than a 67 year old carrying his own bag? Walking up 18 at Ross Bridge, Hoover Alabama, on March 30th, 2025. As M. Breed would say, Let's Do This!

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  2. Dale V

    Dale V
    Surprise AZ

    This 66 year old still occasionally walks with a carry bag but it's usually the Players 4 Carbon with minimal adds in the bag. :)
  3.  RJUnleashed

    Rhode Island

    Thank Dale! Good idea! Especially for a par 3 loop that I do with the wife sometimes.

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