Off season reading suggestions

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By R Lowe

  • 18 Replies
  1. R Lowe

    R Lowe
    Ottawa, ON

    What is your favourite book of Golf that you would say has enhanced your play? Now in the off season I'm working on being a student of the game. Any suggestions for some good reading ?

  2. John C.

    John C.
    New York

    Four Foundations of Golf by Jon Sherman. A very practical piece and a quick read.
  3. John C.

    John C.
    New York

    I forgot to mention a classic called The Little Red Book by Harvey Penick.
  4. Swing Like A Pro by Ralph Mann
  5. I second swing like a pro
  6. CNelson

    Santa Barbara

    Zen Golf by Joseph Parent. Well worth the read!!
  7. Golf is Not a Game of Perfect - Dr Bob Rotella.
  8. MichaelM

    Reno, NV

    Hi R Lowe, Here are a few great reads: Putting Out of Your Mind by Dr. Bob Rotella, Golf is Not a Game of Perfect by Dr. Bob Rotella, Harvey Penick's Little Red Book, and Zen Golf by Dr. Joseph Parent. All of these really gave me some food for thought, were easy to read, and definitely enhanced my level of play and enjoyment of the game.
  9. Peter H

    Peter H
    Vancouver, BC

    Harvey Penick’s Little Red Book
  10. DK

    Northeastern, PA

    Gambler: Secrets from a Life at Risk by Billy Walters is by my nightstand now. Just waiting g to start!
  11. The Big Miss by Hank Haney
    Loved it!
  12. Edward K

    Edward K
    Wesley Chapel, FL

    Find a teaching pro that truly understands your goals. You can read until it rains dollar bills, you still have to develop a sound swing under the guidance of a pro. No really good golfer (opinions vary on skill level) did it by reading alone, that's why the Tour pros still have teachers. Good Luck. And anything by Bob Rotella helps as well.
  13. Chuck Z

    Chuck Z
    Mt Pleasant, SC

    I picked up a great instruction book in the 80's when I started playing this fun and crazy game. "How to become a complete golfer". By America's foremost golf instructors, Bob Toski (Dean of of Golf Digest Instuction Instruction Schools and a member of the magazines Professional Teaching Panel.) and Jim Flick (Director of Insructionthe the Golf Digest Instruction Schools and member of the magazines Progessional Teaching Panel), with Larry Dennis (an assoicate edditor of Golf Digest and headed the magazine's instruction program). A quote from the book that makes so much sense when it comes to the game of golf. "The joy of golf is that success, at whatever level you seek it, comes with learning." This is a hardcopy Golf Digest instructional book that has been used by professionals and was published in 1983 (11th printing). Great reading for a student of the game from two great instructors. Can still be found online thru Thriftbooks.
  14. Golf: How Good Do You Want To Be? -Bill Kroen, PhD.
  15. Rob R

    Rob R
    Chicago, IL

    I am enjoying a couple of golf books right now.

    1) The Four Foundations of Golf
    Jon Sherman

    2) The Practice Manual
    Adam Young
  16. R Lowe

    R Lowe
    Ottawa, ON

    Thanks so much everyone.
    I've taken note of all of your suggestions and will look at picking up a couple of books this week. I see a few repeats in here and sounds like the Little Red Book, Zen Golf and a few by Bob Rotella are the popular ones out here. Currently I've been reading "The Complete Golf Manual" by Steve Newell and it's been really in depth. Looking forward to getting into these other books. Keep'em coming if you have any more. Much appreciated!
  17. Golf My Way-Jack Nicklaus
  18. Zen Golf
  19. Scott D

    Scott D

    Have to agree with Ian T. Dr. Bob Rotella’s book Golf is a game of Not Perfect.

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