My Son's Hole in One

Follow Thread

By CGarcia

  • 3 Replies
  1. On January 14th, 2023. My son who is 13 years old, and I were playing a round of golf at Clear Creek Golf Course at Pearland, Texas. I also have my twins girls, who are 6 years old, and they were joining us to learn and spend some time with us while riding in the cart. When we got to the par 3, hole number 14 at 2:49 p.m. I had this feeling that my son was going to make a hole in one, and I decided to take out my phone and started to record his shot. Once I took out my phone and started filming, he hit a shot straight towards the hole and it landed on the green and rolled in to the hole. I got so excited , because I called the shot and envisioned the shot, I started running towards the hole in excitement, while running towards the hole, still recording, to get the reaction of us seeing the ball in the hole, but on accident, while I was running towards the hole, I pressed a buttoned it stopped recording the video. I released that after we saw the ball. But we still got pictures and a video of the shot and we had the guys that we got paired with, to sign the ball for evidence and my son and I took a couple of pictures with the ball next to the pin and we signed it as-well. The best feeling about this is I had my first hole in 1, last year.

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  2. Congratulations to your son
  3. Eric H

    Eric H
    Ridgway, PA

    You should keep envisioning him doing amazing things! Congrats on the 1!
  4. Christopher G

    Christopher G
    Saugus MA


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