7th Ace

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  1. Playing 3-4X weekly at a private club, 3hndcp, and attaining 6Aces (3@club) I was in a head on hit+run Jan ‘20(beginning of Covid) - hurting my back and lost 40lbs, moved from Oahu to Big Island. No golf for 14mos —- switched from steel to graphite shafts and play a club longer… While playing the 7th time at the muni with friends that tease me for playing at least a club longer with an abbreviated swing I finally responded by asking how many aces either of them have, knowing very well - none, as I brag about my (6). They claim that was on Oahu and this is the Big Island… “Oh Yeah” I swing, turn away while in flight and say “get inside of that”! As they yell “in the hole” I turn and see no ball and say “graphite 7 - guess was the right club! #7 boys!”

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