My First Hole in One!

Follow Thread

By NLima

  • 2 Replies
  1. Hole #6 at Petaluma Golf and CC, 136 yard downhill par 3, used my 7 iron, the pin was located in a back, left center pin location. The hole was in the shadow of a tree behind the green. I knew it was a good shot when I hit it. Never saw the ball disappear. Brought my sand wedge and putter with me after parking the cart. Couldn’t find the ball around the green and one of my Buddies said to look in the hole and sure enough there it was. Couldn’t believe I got my first hole in one and yelled out several times, "ITS IN THE HOLE"! Many drinks were purchased and I’m still on cloud 9.

  2. Christopher G

    Christopher G
    Saugus MA

  3. Congratulations

    Shame you never saw it actually go in as that is an amazing feeling

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