On April 20 of the year 2022, I set out for a cold and blustery round of golf by myself. My normal golf foursome did not want to come out on this cold day. I went out alone. I was playing at VistaValencia chica course. Upon arriving at the eighth T the wind was blustering very strongly, and I took my nine iron and proceeded to skull my ball for approximately 90 yards, and it worm burned its way up to the flag, but stopped at the whole. I could see it was close, but it certainly was not in. walking towards the green. The bottom of the flag stick disappeared because of the contour of the fairway so I could not see what happened next. On arriving at the green, I did not see my ball! A smile began to grow on my face thinking could this be it? After 40 years of playing golf could this really have happened while I was alone , no witnesses?! And sure enough there in the bottom of the cup where is my Titleist Pro V one number 1 laying in the bottom of the cup. 0h what a glorious day -it was only me and my higher power that saw it happen, so if you have any questions as to the validity of this event, ask the big man upstairs!