first hole in one.

Follow Thread

By LSandoval

  • 2 Replies
  1. I was playing in our mens club four man scramble tourney when we went to our par three over the water. The wind was into us at about 20 mph. I was 115 yards out and decided to play a 9 iron due to the wind. I hit my shot and one of my teammates saw that it landed close but none of us could see the balls on the green due to the leaves and stuff blowing around. After getting to the green I looked everywhere for my ball but couldn't find it. One of my teammates told me to check the hole. In disbelief it was in the hole. We ended up shooting 14 under and tied for first place. Such a surreal moment and now that I look back at it i'm glad I hit my prov1 instead of using a junk ball because of the wind and water.

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  2. Christopher G

    Christopher G
    Saugus MA

  3. Congratulations

    Where did you get the item holding the ball

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