On Sunday the 19th of February while playing in the weekend singles competition in my home club, Waterford, I got my third hole in one on 40 years of playing golf. The first two had been to hidden pins so this one was the first one I actually saw drop into the hole. On the 13th hole I hit a five iron 190yds into a slight wind that landed about 6 feet from the hole hopped once and rolled in like a putt. The following Sunday on the same hole I hit an 8 Iron 160 yds and was virtually identical to the shot the previous week. Landed 6 ft from the hole hopped once abs rolled in like a putt again. Two holes in one on consecutive singles competition on the same hole. As we started both our rounds at the same time the times I got the holes in one would have been nearly the same. The final piece is on the 12th hole in the second round I put my approach shot out of bounds so needed a ball for the next hole and took out the ball I used when I got the first hole in one. So also used the sage ball for both holes in one. Titleist ProV1X no 3. Will never be hit again