2nd Carrer Ace

Follow Thread

By JRitz

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  • 2 Replies
  1. As my son and I departed the 15th green which I had just 3-putted, we had parked our cart close to the Gold tee box for the 223 yard par three 16th. As a 69 year old I normally play the Regular tees but my son suggested we try one from the Gold. I striped a 3-wood onto the green and my son said I should just play it. I said "that one was for fun. I'm playing the Regular tees and I might make a hole in one." Measured at 190 yards to the green's center, my range finder reported 175.4 to the front pin placement. I struck my Titleist CB 5 iron cleanly and watched it hit a few feet to the right of the pin and roll slowly into the cup like a perfectly struck putt. My second career ace a mere 51 years after my first one as a teen in 1972.

  2. Christopher G

    Christopher G
    Saugus MA

  3. Congratulations

    Strange way to get one playing from different tees etc

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