9th hole in one.

Follow Thread

By DDivine

  • 1 Like
  • 3 Replies
  1. Playing in The Villages golf, 1/20/23, first hole was a 95 yard par 3. Used a gap wedge. I thought my ball went over the green because there was a little hump and I couldn't see the hole. After looking around for it, I looked in the hole and there it was. That was my 9th and all with Titleist balls. Just not all the same model.

    Post Image
  2. Congratulations

    That's a huge number
  3. Christopher G

    Christopher G
    Saugus MA

  4. wormburner


    Been golfing 50 years never had one yet. Luckily, being Team Titleist Ambassador I still get humbling rewards.


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