It was an Albatross !!!

Follow Thread

By Carlos D

  • 2 Replies
  1. On a sunny day in June 2022 out at the TPC San Antonio I hit the best shot i could’ve ever imagined. The same course which is host to the Valero Texas Open, has a par 5 on the front side which has played as one of the hardest par 5’s on tour in recent years. I was with a client, a buddy, and a potential client. I hit a great drive down the middle and had about 280 to the center of the green. In my mind, i knew 280 was unreachable but i hit my 3 wood “ON THE SCREWS”. It landed just shy of the green, proceeded to roll towards the flag, and it disappeared. My client, who is a 5 handicap, proceeded to hit fat shot after fat shot which made the anticipation even worse. As luck would have it, my Pro V1 was in the cup. BOOM !!! Greatest moment in my 20 year golf career

  2. Congratulations

    That was some 2nd shot 280 with a 3 wood off the deck

    Even put your opponent off
  3. Christopher G

    Christopher G
    Saugus MA


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