Hole in one April 1, 2023 Randolph Oaks

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By Michael M

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  • 2 Replies
  1. Randolph Oaks golf course, San Antonio, TX. Hope 3, playing 164 into a stiff breeze. 165, is usually my max for an 8 iron. I was debating going to a 7, but the hole slopes hard at the back, and long for me was pretty much guaranteed bogie. Told the guys I was playing with F it, sticking with the 8 and hope to get it on the front. I knew I flushed it based of the divot. We saw it land short of the flag and disappear and I said I hope that went it jokingly. We all assumed it caught the slope and went into a collection area off the back. Got up there didn’t see it right away and then my buddy said, must be in the sprinkler head…NOPE in the hole. First ever!

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  2. Christopher G

    Christopher G
    Saugus MA

  3. Congratulations

    Good shot

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