Ace on Masters Par 3 Day

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  • 3 Replies
  1. Our club has a Masters Par 3 tournament, in conjunction with the event at Augusta. Hole #6 was 156 yards, guarded by large bunkers and a tall hill right in front of the green. After taking the shot, I first looked short - not there (2 other Callys were there :) ) Then I looked long - nothing there. Finally I took a peek in the hole - - and there was my Titleist ProV1!! Luckily, my good friend lives off #6 green and had a bottle of Fireball sitting out for p[articipants in the event. We all shared a toast to a hole in one!!

  2. By the way.....#7 for me!!!
  3. Christopher G

    Christopher G
    Saugus MA

  4. Congratulations

    Shame you didn't see it drop

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