Colton England Hole in One on a Par 4 Hole

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By DEngland

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  • 2 Replies
  1. At a High School Golf Meet last Friday in Iowa Falls, IA, Colton England used his driver on the par-four third hole and fired a hole-in-one. He was aimed right at the green, which is pretty much how he always play this hole. At first when he hit it he thought he was out of bounds. There were a couple spectators and coaches down there and they started shouting while he was waiting to hit a provisional. He didn't know what happened until he got to the hole. His Coach Greg Winters watched the whole thing happen, and could tell by Colton's swing that he was going over the trees where he usually hits it out of bounds. Coach Winters watched the ball bounce on the fringe, take three hops, and fall in the hole. According to the Highland Golf Club manager this is the first ace on this hole ever in the Clubs history.

    Post Image
  2. Congratulations

    Some achievement
  3. Christopher G

    Christopher G
    Saugus MA


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