2nd Ace

Follow Thread

By cary c

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  • 2 Replies
  1. played first 7 by myself. two underwood kids let me join on the 8th tee box. walter ausedmore and Wyatt. i hit it (6i)dead at it. we couldn’t tell if was too long or what as it was looking directly into the sun and into 15mph wind. we were debating whether i hit it too deep and over. so i said walking off tee “ah it’s prob in the hole. you know now you can be a witness”. so i walk up and see white behind the green (they sprayed some chemical and there’s those white foam spots). get close and that not a ball. see one on top of back mound. thought man it hit stick and caromed. nope. went and checked, was in hole. ball mark 4’ short. Perfect timing. my first ace was 177yd w 7 iron almost 14 years to the day. (4/9/09)

  2. Congratulations

    Lucky you had company otherwise nobody would have believed you
  3. Christopher G

    Christopher G
    Saugus MA


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