No witness?

Follow Thread

By Todd c

  • 1 Like
  • 3 Replies
  1. Yesterday I was playing a few extra holes by myself after our league. Getting to hole #7 at Locust Hills 174 yards I decided to hit my AP1 716 5 iron. The last few years I have not hit the 5 consistently opting for a easy swing hybrid instead. I have been changing my iron swing path so today the 5 iron came out of the bag. I hit it flush, it lands on the green and rolls in the hole! I'm excited except one one else saw it. As I was approaching the green 2 guys on #8 tee box started shouting its in the hole we saw it! Glad they were there.

  2. Dale V

    Dale V
    Surprise AZ

    Well, God is a witness. My first one was while alone and it was just as real as the other two. Golf is about honor and everyone that is serious about the sport and what it stands for knows that honesty and integrity are the backbones of the game. Congrats! If no one sees your next one, it still counts.
  3. Congratulations

    Great shot
  4. Christopher G

    Christopher G
    Saugus MA


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