1st Hole-in-One

Follow Thread

By Andrew B

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  • 2 Replies
  1. April 20, 2023 - Cold, windy day - playing with my wife and a friend. Came close earlier in the round and my wife Claire - who has 2 HOI's - stated it will happen - eventually - with a smile. Had recently ordered new Titleist Vokey SM9 wedges and other then the practice range, had not hit my 50° wedge many times. The shot on the 16th was 2-feet left and short of the hole - bounced - hit the lower part of the flag stick and dropped in the hole. After an immediate fist pump, I yelled "yeah - finally" loud enough that the group behind us and the group on the 17th tee heard me and clapped. Shot 76 - and told the Golf Course Manager (Josh) who sent a notification to the Membership via Facebook.

    Post Image
  2. Christopher G

    Christopher G
    Saugus MA

  3. Congratulations

    Good shot

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