First Hole in One, Sweetwater TX

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By Dustin T

  • 1 Reply
  1. Unbelievable early birthday present to myself! What a way to turn 40! Par3, 152 yards, PW, 7 mph wind right to left. Aimed slightly right, swung the sweetest swing ever. Everything felt so good! Ball hit about a foot past the hole, bounced backwards, and splash! At first I was in denial and assumed it bounced over, like always! My buddy was no man, I heard it hit the cup and demanded I take my phone out and start recording. Made out way to the green, his ball was sitting just off the backside, however mine wasn't there. Now I'm really think, did I!? Is this freaking real!? Walked up to the hole and boom, there she is sitting at the bottom! Totally insane and wildest day of my life! Thanks Titleist for making awesome balls, I've never used anything less than ProV1!

  2. Congratulations

    Good birthday present

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