1st Tournament Hole in One

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By Brady M

  • 1 Reply
  1. I am 16 years old and I had my first hole in one in tournament play on 5/7/2023. I was competing in the Texas Junior Golf Tour Tyler Rose Tournament at Eagles Bluff in Bullard, TX on 5/6-/5/7. I started on hole #10 and was 2 over when I made the turn. On the course's hole # 2 (my hole 11), a par 3, I made a hole in one!! The pin was in the middle front of the green and 178 yards to the pin. I hit my 5 iron to the front of the green, my Titleist ProV1 bounced a couple times and dropped to the bottom of the cup. My mom, grandma, sister and the 2 others I was playing with watched it from the tee box with me and my dad was at the green. It was a great experience to have my family there to witness it. I didn't win the tournament but I will take a hole-in-one over a win any day!! Thanks, Brady Mann

    Post Image
  2. Congratulations

    At least you didn't have a big bar tab

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