passing through people

Follow Thread

By Sam S

  • 2 Replies
  1. I pulled up to number 7 while waiting on people to finish hitting. They let me play through and they went to the green to mark their balls. my partner hit there shot on the green and it was my turn. my partner says “imagine you hit a hole in one in front of them.” i laughed and lined up to my ball. i hit it so pure and was heading right for the hole. it landed soft on the front of the green and rolled right into the hole. the group starting to yell and throw their hands up. my partner and I ran down to the hole while jumping up and down. I looked in the hole and saw my ball. i got my picture and went to the next to later on shoot 68 at 15 years old.

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  2. Congratulations

    Good shot great round
  3. Bryan C.

    Bryan C.
    Dallas, TX

    Great round and even better shot. Congratulations!

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