2nd Hole-in-One

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By SDevitt

  • 1 Reply
  1. A few Thursdays ago, it was the 1st week of the new golf league year at Beavercreek Golf Club (Beavercreek, Ohio). I hadn't played a ton due to the weather being pretty crappy for most of the late-winter/early-spring, so I my expectations were kinda low. I birdie the first hole (no. 10) after hitting a solid "fairway finder" drive that left me with just a lob wedge in. I proceeded to double the par-5 11th to take me back to +1. I parred the 12th and was feeling pretty decent for it being the first week of league play. The par-3 13th was next and the pin was in a tricky spot in the back-right portion of the green. The wind was a little into and off the right, which made it a little tougher to go at the pin. The hole is listed at 157, but it's about a club downhill. I choked down a little on a 9-iron and aimed for the right side of the green hoping wind would drift the ball back a bit. I struck a solid shot that started right where I aimed and it drifted a little left as it was in the air. My partner/teammate, Mike, said, "go a little," but I thought the distance looked pretty spot on. My ball landed about 5-6 feet short, took one bounce and went IN!! Once the ball landed it happened so fast. I threw my club a few feet in front of me, did some sort of jumping high-five/fist bump with Mike and then went over to our playing competitor to get some love, but he's a pretty subdued guy. I was in a bit of shock, so when we got down to the green I didn't take a pic or anything. I was looking for my ball mark, but the greens were pretty firm so it took me a minute to find it. I grabbed the closest to the pin marker - as nobody was gonna get inside me that day - and waited till the other two were done with the hole. I sent my dad, girlfriend, and a few others a text while heading to the next tee. On the 14th, I lost my tee ball, topped a 5 wood after taking a drop and ended up make a triple (great way to follow up an ace). I parred out and shot 38 (I'm around a 10 hcp, so pretty solid), but I was thinking to myself, "that should have been my career low 9-hole score tonight." I walked into the bar and bought a round for everyone from the league that was still hanging around and that quickly changed my tune. "Dude, you just made your 2nd career hole-in-one, shot 38, won your match, won closest to the pin, probably won a skin, who cares about not breaking par," I said in my head. It was definitely one of the more interesting rounds I've played as I could have had at least one more birdie. I'm just hoping it won't take almost 20 years before I make my 3rd ace!

  2. Congratulations

    Sounds fun

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