Golf’s crazy. Life’s crazy.
I never try to reach par 5’s in 2, but I hit a good drive on No. 18 today, and my buddy Jason pressured me, so I went for it.
Had to hit a 215-yard carry with a crosswind to clear water. I hit it 210.
Jason felt so bad that he started fishing balls out of the water, looking for mine. He didn’t find mine, but he did find a ball my wife Shelly hit into the water at her Tuesday night 9-and-dine. It had her unique ‘S’ mark on it. So, I started to use it. (We played the back-nine first).
Two holes later I hit a hole-in-one … with her ball!
Doylestown Country Club, Hole No. 2, 165 yards, middle pin, 5-iron, dead into the wind: draw, drop, roll, gone.
Saw it all. What a thrill.
And it was like she was there.