May 21st Ace!!

Follow Thread

By David B

  • 1 Reply
  1. Sunday May 21, I scored my first ace, using my one-year-old T200 clubs and a Pro V 1 ball. Hell, I even have a Titleist bag.

    I hit a 5 iron 149 yards into the 12th hole at Tobiano (near Kamloops, BC). It landed six paces in front of the pin, hopped once and rolled up to the cup before disappearing into the hole. WOW!

    I have to tell you that I just love the t-200 irons. They have improved that part of my game greatly, something I was hoping would happen with their purchase. From the first day, I was hitting longer and straighter with them. But now after having them for a season, they are really feeling comfortable in my hands and my game is improving.

    I doubt I'll get another hole-in-one this weekend...but that's ok. I'm pretty sure I'll score better.

    Post Image
  2. Congratulations

    Good shot

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