Hole in one

Follow Thread

By Roger E

  • 1 Reply
  1. Playing in an "Away Day" competition at Elton Furze Golf Club in Cambridgeshire I used a 6 iron on their par 3 139 yard 5th hole. The front of the green is partially obscured by trees but I manaaged to draw the ball around them (purely by luck) and I saw it land on the green. I then lost sight of it but one of my playing partners started shouting "It's gone in" and he almost ran down to the green straight to the hole and confirmed it. May I congratulate Titleist on their homing device that they must have fitted to the ball (Soft Tour) but you still need to work on the bouyancy aids as I lost it in the water later on. First hole in one at 75 years old.

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  2. Congratulations

    You should have retired the ball after the ace

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