Hole in one

Follow Thread

By Michael H

  • 1 Reply
  1. Kicked off Memorial Day weekend with a hole in one on Saturday the 27th. This is my 2nd Hole in one. I had one 30 years ago. Neither of them were visible from the tee. This past Saturday there was sun glare on the green. We knew it was a good shot but typically the balls spin back and slide off the front left corner of the green. On this particular day we should have seen two balls in this collection area. As we drove closer to the green we could only see one ball. I said to my buddy one of our balls may be in the hole. One of the other guys in the group got to the hole first, peeked in and said. It’s in the hole. Our Hole in one fund was up to $1,100. Didn’t take long to spend.

  2. Congratulations

    Nice pot of money

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