Thin 2 Win

Follow Thread

By David Y

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  • 3 Replies
  1. David Y

    David Y

    My 1st Hole in One couldn’t have come at a better time. I’ll start off by saying that this year has been a tough year for me with some really bad luck with my brokerage. On top of that, my right shoulder having some really painful tendonitis. To say the least, I’ve been stressed to the max. A few days before the round I had to cancel on my group due to work obligations and other things going on. But a day before our tee time I text my friend and say “Hey I think I can still make it. I’ll be cutting it close, but if that spot is open I’ll still come out.” He replies and says Im good to go. So fast forward to the round, it’s June 3rd 2023. A bright sunny day in Michigan about 80 degrees. Before the round I had a really good interview, and just felt like things were turning around for me. So I haven’t been out much and this was only my 3rd round of the season. We’re on the box and my friend that has 2 hole in ones was approaching the tee box. I say “Let’s go D, hit another hole in one. I’m thirsty”. I then proceed to say “Now if I hit a hole in one, everyone’s getting CapriSuns! Lol”. We all laugh a little. Now it’s my turn to hit, and it was like all of the thousands of YouTube videos that I’ve watched over the past ten years and all of the lessons I’ve took came down to one swing thought. Get the right shoulder underneath and don’t swing over the top. Smack! I hit the ball, and it was a little thin, no divot, felt a groove or two low. But the ball was on a rope just right of the pin with a baby draw. The green slopes right to left too. Everyone’s says “Ohhh, that’s gotta a chance Dave!”. Denton says “Dave, that might’ve went in, I think that went in!”. But we’ve all heard that a hundred times before. So I’m not really sure, not going to get my hopes up. As we drive the cart to the green the group in front of us must’ve hopped back out of their carts and they’re standing there waiting. Excitedly the group in front of us goes, “It hit the stick, It’s in, It’s In. It hit the stick!!!” My playing partners go, “I don’t see a ball Dave!” I walk up and behold there lies my Pro V1 resting in the bottom of the cup. Cart girl drives up to us on the next hole, unfortunately she didn’t have any CapriSuns lol :-).

    Post Image
  2. David Y

    David Y

    It was 165 yards out and I hit an 8 iron. Calm wind on a warm sunny day.
  3. Eric H

    Eric H
    Ridgway, PA

    Thin to win baby! Thats awesome, congrats to you!
  4. Congratulations

    Great shot

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