10th Hole. Turnberry Golf Club Brampton, Ontario

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By Tyler N

  • 1 Reply
  1. I have golfed for 42 years, and have never gotten a Hole-In_One, till last Saturday. My wife and I were playing an afternoon round at a local course. The 10th hole is a par 3, 115 yards, with the wind behind us. I hit my 52˚ Wedge, right at the flag. Unfortunately the green was elevated so we couldn't see the ball land. When we got the green, I couldn't see the ball anywhere, so I sheepishly said I was going to check in the hole. As I got within 6 feet, I could see that Titleist ball sitting in the cup. I was shocked and elated as I picked the ball out of the cup. The ball mark was about 10 feet short, so I can imagine it landing and rolling into the cup.

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  2. Congratulations

    Well deserved

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