First Hole In One

Follow Thread

By Noah W

  • 1 Reply
  1. Hole #12 @ Thornberry Creek at Oneida was sitting at 165yards from the White Tees that day. The wind was coming from behind us so I chose to hit an easy 8iron. The pin was tucked behind a bunker and a ridge. Shot started off like any other "good shot". Right towards the pin, hit the edge of the first cut, bounce and then I lost it. Playing partner said he saw it hit the flag stick and drop. But because we could not see the cup from the tee box, we did not know what to expect. We ride up to the green, and see his ball sitting a few feet from the pin, but not my ball. I immediately get out of the cart and walk straight towards the cup. Low and behold, there it is! Sitting right at the bottom and then the celebration trot around the green ensued. What a day.

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  2. Congratulations

    Shame you never saw it drop

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