My 1st Hole in One

Follow Thread

By ATurner

  • 1 Reply
  1. I was playing well all day but the I made a 7 on the 13th hole. My foursome plays ready golf and walked right over to the 14th tee of the Par 3. I took the yardage measurement and shook off what was my worse hole of the day. I teed up my Tour Speed and grabbed my 8i. As I stood over my ball I was feeling pretty good. It started on a good line and started to fade back a couple yards. It hit the center of the green and rolled toward the pin in the back corner. We couldn't tell if it went in the hole and I figured with my luck it was probably sitting off the green in the rough behind it. After everyone else hit my buddy said, I'm checking that cup! He used a few choice words of amazement when he saw it sitting in the bottom! Thanks Titleist!

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  2. Congratulations

    Good way to get your round back on course

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