172 yard par 3

Follow Thread

By RMcMullen

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  • 2 Replies
  1. This was a charity golf outing. They were giving away a car at all the par 3’s if anyone made a hole in one. At this particular outing, no one ever hit a hole in one and won a car. At the 11th hole par 3 they were giving away a beautiful blue 2023 Porsche 718 Boxster GTS. We all laughed when we got on the tee box and said “yeah right, like we are going to win that car” I even said “ the car is alright, does not do anything for me”. I hit a Titlest Velocity with my Cleveland 3 hybrid 172 yards to a middle flag. I hit the bottom right of the green and it bounced once a clanked the stick and dropped in. The officials that were waiting at the green went crazy when it went in as did all of us. They told me it was the first time anyone hit a hole in one at this event in 24 years where they won a car. I changed my opinion about the car after that and said”I LOVE IT!!!”

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  2. Congratulations

    Lucky they changed the rules concerning cars etc for prizes
  3. Jerome C

    Jerome C
    London Ontario Canada

    Congratulations great shot Nice car!

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