First Hole-in-one

Follow Thread

By Tristan P

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  • 2 Replies
  1. Tristan, my son, is 11 years old and just got his first hole-in-one. He is a member of the PGA Jr league. He golfs for old Avalon in Warren, Ohio. Tristan grabbed his U.S. Kids Golf pitching wedge and approached the junior tees which are 101 yards from hole #8. It was a beauty! The team nor the spectators realized the ball went in until we made our way to the green. His shock and excitement could not be contained when he realized what had just happened. Grinning the rest of match play. He made the paper, the news, and received a an 11 year old that is everything! From now on he says he has to have beef sticks and a Pro V1 ball for every match! Tristan has found a love and a passion for golf and this hole-in-one has just made him want to continue to grow, learn, and play the game!

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  2. Jerome C

    Jerome C
    London Ontario Canada

  3. Congratulations

    Good for him

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