First hole in one

Follow Thread

By Christy A

  • 3 Replies
  1. During my Monday Ladies League I hit my shot into the 11th hole, a 115 yard par 3. I took less club and aimed away from the left side, as the pin was placed behind the bunker (and bunkers terrify me.) Imagine my unhappiness when my ball went toward that bunker, but luckily cleared it. The ball appeared to disappear over a ridge, and as there was a little wind behind us, I thought the ball probably rolled over the green and into the back bunker. When I got up there, sure enough, there was a ball track through the back bunker, but no ball. One of my playing partners went ahead and putted out to keep us on track for pace of play, and asked what ball I was playing. "A Titleist Pro V1 with a pink #3 and 3 dots." She pulled it out of the hole. What a great way to "lose" a ball, and then find it1 :)

  2. Jerome C

    Jerome C
    London Ontario Canada

  3. Dino S

    Dino S
    Dayton, OH

    Congratulations! Welcome to the club!
  4. Congratulations

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