Men's league night

Follow Thread

By BFoss

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  • 2 Replies
  1. Men's League night. I approached the challenging par-3 2nd hole (voted hardest hole in years past), excitement filled the air. I carefully selected my trusty 8-iron from my bag, visualizing the perfect swing and the ball gracefully landing on the green for a nice birdie. Little did I know that fate had a different plan in store for me. The tee box is shared with hole nine's tee box, so I had quite the audience with 7 people behind me watching take that swing. The ball took a bounce on the 1st cut, then a bounce on the green and quickly disappeared. HOLE-IN-ONE!

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  2. Jerome C

    Jerome C
    London Ontario Canada

    Congratulations great shot!
  3. Congratulations

    Lots of people watching

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