1st hole in one

Follow Thread

By l

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  • 2 Replies
  1. Been playing golf for over 23yrs and have never seen or had a hole in one. On Memorial day of this year was playing with a group of buddies whom had never seen or had a hole in one either, but little did we know that was going to change when I stepped up to hole #2 at the Marion Country Club. It was a par 3 with the pin tucked behind a bunker little breeze so I decided to bump up to a smooth 9 and the rest was history. At first we thought the ball rolled past the pin and off the back. One of my buddies swore he thought it went in but wasn't for certain. So after everyone else hit we approached the green and didn't see any ball behind the green so another buddy went to the hole and threw his hands in the air and then we knew it was party time! I couldn't believe the unimaginable had just happen I was overwhelmed with excitement that I was shaking for the next three holes. Good Times!

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  2. Jerome C

    Jerome C
    London Ontario Canada

  3. Congratulations

    Good shot

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