Hole in One

Follow Thread

By Sam S

  • 1 Reply
  1. I hit my first ever hole in one on June 10th, 2023. I hit it at a 3-man scramble tournament in Phillipsburg, KS. The course is Phillipsburg Golf Course. I hit it on hole 2 which is a 295yd Par 4. I hit a perfect drive directly at the green. The green sits behind a row of trees so I was unable to see the ball go in the hole. Behind the green is a road that runs along the backside of the course, so hit it long and it is OB. I walked up to the green expecting to find my ball on it. Once I didn't see it on or around the green I went and searched by the road OB. I though I had hit it too well and the ball was gone. As I was walking off I figured I'd check the hole and to my surprise there was actually a ball in there. I told the other groups to come check it out and when I pulled the ball out it was mine. Quite the exciting experience and to hit my first hole in one on a Par 4.

  2. Fine achievement


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