I started playing golf religiously last year when we joined the Cedar Rapids Country Club. My husband was a teaching pro and he has been the one coaching me the last 14 months. Today we were playing in our clubs tournament and I had my phone playing a random 4th of July playlist on Pandora. When I went to hit my 8 iron on a par 3, my moms song happened to be playing in the background. She died in March and was from West Virginia, so her favorite song was “Country Roads” by John Denver. After I hit, my friend said, “Your mom is here, watching you.” I knew I hit it close to the pin but it was hard to see because it sits atop a cliff and you have to drive a cart down to see the ball. As we approached the hole, I thought maybe it rolled off the green, as I tend to do. But wouldn’t you know, it was sitting inside the cup!!!! I screamed with disbelief! My friend reminded me of the song playing and I just broke down in tears. My mom definitely helped. And so did my father in-law!! He passed away last week at 10:41 am. My brother in-law asked what time I had hit the ball and when I looked at the first photo of me with the ball from the cup it was 10:44am. So he also definitely helped!!! It was a Titlelist 3 ProV1!