Good things happen when plans chage

Follow Thread

By GRohman

  • 3 Replies
  1. My husband and I were set to play golf at Trump Doral over the weekend when he was on business during the week….I made a decision if I could get on Friday to play an extra round that would be good while he worked. I figured if I could get something to wear and a last minute tee time that would be awesome.

    I ended up playing by myself. The couple in front of me let me play thru number 1 for a bogey. When I arrivedI at number 2 I realized that I took my hybrid out of my bag at home for travel to save space.

    I picked my next club in line which is a 6 iron and lined up for the back right hole position. I took a full swing and the ball hopped two times and went into the hole. Realizing what had happened, I audibly said I think I got a hole in one!!

    Three gentlemen on the 8th green heard me came over told me to bring my phone and celebrated/witnessed with me. I ended up shooting 73 best score ever! What an awesome day! Love my ProV1X!

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  2. RBlauvelt

    Saratoga Springs NY

    Congrats! Amazing you were alone but found someone to witness it!
  3. Congratulations
  4. Jerome C

    Jerome C
    London Ontario Canada


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