Hole 13 @ spring water is a down hill par 3, I took an eight iron into the wind as The pin today was a red front pin location.
A very good connection and we watched it all the Way to what we thought would be the front of the green poss possibly within a few feet. Unfortunately with the front pin you cannot see the cup from the tee box.
As walking down we could see two balls and was in disbelief there wasn’t a 3rd. As we walked closer my playing partner joked “ there could be one in the hole here”
We laughed it off as that would never happen to us.
On arrival to the green Dean was adamant there must be a ball in the hole and walks straight to it, shouted out “there’s as Wilson ball in the hole !” I laughed it off as we always pull each others leg, but this time I could tell by his face and reaction he wasn’t messing. I walked over and there it was sitting in the cup ! Wow the joy among us was brilliant a day I’ll never forget. A hole in one, every golfers dream !
Kind regards Ben Landon