First time I ever hit an AXV and I got a hole in one!

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By steve g

  • 3 Replies
  1. This was literally the first time I had ever hit an AXV. One of my playing partners suggested I try the ball as it would keep the flight down on the inward nine of this fabulous links course. I hit a 4 iron to the front right of the green and we watched the ball roll up towards the hole. But I didn’t know if it had gone in the hole or in a valley on the green before the hole. But I was absolutely delighted to see it smiling at me from the bottom of the cup when I got up there. Needless to say the ball went straight back in the bag for prosperity.

    Post Image
  2. Dino S

    Dino S
    Dayton, OH

  3. Scott D

    Scott D

    Congratulations. They are a very good ball. So did you go buy a dozen.
  4. Jerome C

    Jerome C
    London Ontario Canada


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