Hole in one 2nd on same hole ....Flambrough hills #2 lakes

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By Tom H

  • 2 Replies
  1. Hello I recently got a hole-in-one at Flamborough hills 2 lakes – on June 23, 2023 It was our 2nd 18 that day in pouring rain. The plan was to play maybe 6 holes then go in and have some beers and food. Well that all changed on the second hole – 113 yards back pin in the rain hit a PW with a Prov-v1x. The ball landed behind the hole and sucked back in for the ace….. Finished round shot 67 and bought some drinks – the bar tab was only $100 due to the weather

    3 years earlier same hole front pin 54 tiliest vokey 94 yards with Prov-V1x sucked back in the hole

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  2. Jerome C

    Jerome C
    London Ontario Canada

  3. Congratulations

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